ChemGPS-NP Web
- A tool tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space

System Statistics


Predicted Molecules:

The number of processed molecules for 2015-12-09 was 247 totally.
206 where accepted (predicted) and 41 where rejected (malformed)

Submitted Jobs:

The total number of submitted jobs are 8 for 2015-12-09

Process Time:

On average each job took 3.2 seconds to complete (from submitted until it finished execute).
Each job took between 2 and 9 seconds to complete (min/max).

Time waiting:0.0 seconds (average)
Time running:3.2 seconds (average)

The system statistics is collected from all users of this system.

The personal statistics is individual for each each user and/or host.

The statistics is public and accessable/browsable by anyone.

In co-operation with...
If you use this application in a publication, please cite: Larsson J,
Gottfries J, Muresan S, Backlund A. J Nat Prod. 2007;70(5):789-794, and
Rosén J, Lövgren A, Kogej T, Muresan S, Gottfries J, Backlund A. J Comput
Aided Mol Des. 2009;23(4):253-259.