Java client

We will develop a simple java client and call some methods in the queue API. It's assumed that you have some basic knowledge about programming in Java.

Java (wsimport)

Generate proxy classes for the queue API using wsimport:

mkdir classes sources
wsimport -d classes -s sources -p batchelor.soap
parsing WSDL...
Generating code...
Compiling code...

Add main class

Change directory to sources and use your favorite editor to create a file named inside the batchelor directory.

cd sources
jed batchelor/

This class will contain our main() method, the starting point when running the application.


The compiled SOAP proxy classes is located in the classes directory and need to be included:

javac -cp ../classes batchelor/


When running the application, both classes and current directory need to be included to satisfy packages search path.

java -cp ../classes:. batchelor/Client


First code example simply retrieves the API version from remote server, while the second is a bit more complex and both fetches queued jobs and enqueue a new job.

package batchelor;

import batchelor.soap.*;

class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SoapServiceHandlerService service = new SoapServiceHandlerService();
        SoapServiceHandlerPortType client = service.getSoapServiceHandlerPort();


Output from running should look something like this:

Task: default (Job 2)
    Queued: 2018-11-14 13:05:20.082591[Europe/Stockholm]
    State: crashed
Task: default (Job 2)
    Queued: 2018-11-14 13:03:14.603137[Europe/Stockholm]
    State: crashed
Task: default (Job 2)
    Queued: 2018-11-14 12:59:25.445768[Europe/Stockholm]
    State: success
Task: default (Job 1)
    Queued: 2018-11-14 12:43:35.872742[Europe/Stockholm]
    State: success
Task: default ()
    Queued: 2018-11-15 16:12:39.264869[Europe/Stockholm]
    State: pending