Topological charge indices
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List of topological charge indices calculated by DRAGON


Topological charge descriptors are derived from an unsymmetric matrix CT, whose single elements are defined as:



where di is the vertex degree of the ith atom, i.e. the number of connected atoms in the H-depleted molecular graph, and mij are elements of the matrix obtained by multiplying the adjacency matrix by the reciprocal square distance matrix [J. Gálvez, R. Garcěa, M.T. Salabert, R. Soler, J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci. 1994, 34, 520-525]. The diagonal entries of the CT matrix represent the topological valence of the atoms; the off-diagonal entries CTij represent a measure of the net charge transferred from the atom j to the atom i.


For each path of length k, a topological charge index GGIk is defined as the half-sum of all charge terms CTij (absolute values) corresponding to pair of vertices with topological distance equal to k. The maximum number of GGIk terms in a molecule is equal to the maximum topological distance in the corresponding molecular graph; however, to obtain uniform length descriptors for a set of molecules, DRAGON calculates topological charge indices from order 1 to order 10 for all the molecules.


mean topological charge index JGIk is obtained by dividing the corresponding topological charge index GGIk by the total number of summation terms in GGIk.


Moreover, a global topological charge index JGT is defined as the sum of the mean topological charge indices (from order 1 to order 10 in DRAGON).