ChemGPS-NP Web is a system for computing the eight principal components (dimensions) describing physical-chemical properties for a reference set of compounds. The technical details is described on page 7-9 in the article from 2008.
In this second generation of ChemGPS-NP Web the previous queue service has been complemented with the molecule and convexity service.
Web interface
The web interface provides the job queue as its main component. Jobs are enqueued by submitting molecules in SMILES-format (suffixed with an optional name) one per row. The input data can be posted using the form, by uploading file(s) or submitting download URL's.
For each file or URL submitted, a separate job will be enqueue. Use the queue interface for monitor status or download result. The 3D plot tool (requires WebGL support ) can then be used to visualize the predicted positions from 8D space by selecting three of the available dimensions for projection.
The convexity test is a new feature for checking whether a given set of positions are within one or more reference (convex) set of points. Clicking on the "inside" button in the queue listing opens up this tool. It's also possible to perform this calculation by submitting positions for a convexity task using the standard web interface for submitting jobs.
Web services
The sub system for queue, molecules and convexity is also available as web services. The queue comes with both JSON and SOAP interface, while the latter two is only available as JSON services.
Getting started with these API is simple and can be tested direct from the command line using curl. All three API is fully described with many examples.
Usage contract
By using this system you agree with that submitted compounds (molecules in smiles format) is collected and included in the molecules database. These collected compounds might also be used in other circumstances and published later by the system owner.
Sharing queues
Default queue
Further reading
Cookies are used to identify the current selected queue. The cookie (hostid) is not directly connected with any sensitive information, but each hostid has on server side a stored mapping to the IP-address. The queue name to hostid (hash) is not stored though.
Tool chain changes
The command pipeline is now using AlvaDesc (instead of Dragon 7) that calculates slightly different descriptor values used as input for SIMCA-QP. Difference calculation will be published as soon its been completed.
Queues (containing result and input data) from previous version of ChemGPS-NP Web has not been migrated, but the old version is still accessible for those who wish to recalculate positions using the updated tool chain. Simply copy the indata from your old queues and submit as a new job in this version.
Web browsers
Using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Microsoft Edge should work. Using Android and Safari (on iOS) might work partially due to limited hardware (WebGL might not be supported).
Internet Explorer will probably never work because of missing support for some web standards (i.e. promises). No plans exists at the moment to add polyfills just to get IE to work. Use an alternative browser instead.